It’s the height of the summer, and the most exclusive party of the year: as they sample a platter of increasingly decadent vices, powerful men carelessly shuffle others as pawns in their machinations. The glorious, manicured Elsinore hides corruption behind lavish ritual and entertainment, distracting subjects from the monstrosity underneath. Hamlet, the child of the recently deceased king, back from university for his funeral, is decidedly out of place amidst this political circus. When they encounters an otherworldly visitor hungry for revenge, they must sift through the layers of deception to find the truth, if such a thing even exists. A personal psychological drama unraveling against a treacherous political landscape, “Hamlet” is preoccupied with the unbridgeable divide between action and word, and the fundamental discrepancy between surface and essence.
Directed & Adapted by Elizabeth Dinkova (she/her)
CAST (alphabetically):
Raghad Almakhlouf (she/her) .......................... GERTRUDE
Jo Armstrong (she/her) .................................... REYNALDA/GRAVE DIGGER
Raphael M. Berglas (he/him) .......................... CLAUDIUS
Madalaina D'Angelo (she/her) ......................... HORATIO
Marisa LaRuffa (she/her) ................................. OPHELIA
Katharine Maness (they/them) ............................ HAMLET
Iain Murray McLellan (he/him) ....................... POLONIUS/PRIEST
Adrian Devaughn Summers (he/him) ............ LAERTES
Stage Manager: Ariana Swei (they/them)
Sound Design & Music Composition: Franky (they/them)
Costume Design: Oriana Sophia (she/her)
Armed Fight Choreography: JT Turner (he/him)
Unarmed Fight Choreography & Fight Captain: Raphael M. Berglas
Intimacy Choreography: Abby Burris, Marisa LaRuffa
Violence, prop gun use, blood, intimacy, misogyny, transphobia (misgendering), suicide ideation